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What is it?

Extensible Markup Language (XML) is an open standard for structured information storage and exchange.

Why is it important?

Encodes content and content structure, which in turn allows for machine-driven filtering and formatting of information. XML also serves as an interchange layer among otherwise incompatible systems.

Why does a content strategist need to know this?

With XML, you capture not just text but information about the text and relationships among the various text components. A foundation of rich, intelligent content opens up sophisticated content manipulation possibilities, such as personalization of information based on reader demographics or automatically linking product references to corresponding 3D images.

XML files do not usually include formatting information. Instead, the formatting is applied dynamically or in a rendering phase. Deferring formatting until after the authoring phase allows for the following possibilities:

  • You can add new outputs, or modify existing outputs, without affecting the source content files. This is in contrast to word processors and desktop publishing tools, in which a formatting change requires manipulation of each content file.

  • The introduction of an independent formatting layer makes it much easier to manage content in multiple languages. The translation effort can focus on linguistics instead of having to disentangle formatting as part of the translation.

  • Authors no longer need expertise in formatting or desktop publishing, only in the subject matter.

XML is an open, nonproprietary standard. Using XML reduces the risk that an organization will be locked in to a particular vendor solution or publishing workflow when the organization’s requirements change. XML is widely supported in software, not just by software of interest to content strategists.

About Sarah O’Keefe

What is it?

Content, whether in a textual, visual, or playable format, that conforms to structural and semantic rules that allow machine processing to meet specific business requirements.

Why is it important?

Humans are much better than computers when it comes to understanding the nuances of content. Structuring content with semantic metadata allows computers to understand the content’s relationship to business processes. This enables better discovery, marketing, and user engagement.

Why does a content strategist need to know this?

Readers understand the visual grammar of style in what they read in a browser or in print, but computers do not. Even for scanned pages converted into word processor files, the computer can only determine that something in a block of text is possibly a paragraph, but it cannot necessarily discern a paragraph from a note or a quotation. By indicating the order and intent of the parts of a document, writers ensure that publishing tools well into the future can usefully render that content, even if reading technologies change.

Adding structure to content adds both present and future value, turning content from a single-use commodity into a long-term asset. Content can be structured in a number of ways, although most commonly it is done by applying descriptive, codified markup to it (Extensible Markup Language (XML) or other semantic markup) or by storing content in named fields in a database.

Structured content clearly indicates not only the parts of the discourse (the titles, sections, lists, tables, and phrases that represent organization) but also the semantic intent of those containers. For example, paragraphs identified more specifically as quotations can be not only rendered differently for readers, but also made more easily discovered in searches for quotations or citations.

By structuring content appropriately, you can more easily turn information into knowledge, instructions into automation, concepts into lesson units, and more, thereby increasing its value to the business.

About Don Day

Photo of Don Day

Don Day is a content engineer with deep experience with innovative authoring solutions and information architectures for structured, semantic content for the Web and across the enterprise. He provides consulting on strategy, technology, and best practices for optimizing the value and usefulness of unstructured data.




Twitter: @donrday



What is it?

The ability to create content once, planning for its reuse in multiple places, contexts, and output channels.

Why is it important?

Leverages content to its fullest potential, with benefits such as increased consistency and accuracy and reduced development time.

Why does a content strategist need to know this?

Single sourcing is an approach to developing content that can be used to produce multiple outputs in different formats for different platforms. With this approach, authors only need to maintain one set of source content, greatly reducing authoring, editing, and translation time, as well as reducing the risk of introducing inconsistencies between multiple, often redundant, content sets.

One key to single sourcing is separating content from formatting. Rather than formatting the content while authoring, the content is formatted as part of the publishing process. This frees authors to concentrate solely on the quality of the content and allows designers to format content appropriately for each channel. Single-sourced content is usually in an open format, such as XML, which describes the content semantically so that it can be processed intelligently based on the nature of the information and its intended use.

Successful single sourcing requires a solid plan for content creation and content reuse. The two go hand-in-hand. When creating content, authors must be mindful of all the ways in which it might be used. It’s up to the content strategist to develop the plan for intelligent reuse.

Content strategists must architect content to ensure its maximum reusability in multiple contexts. The content must be sufficiently granular, and it must share a common voice and vocabulary. For single sourcing to succeed, content strategists and authors must collaborate and regularly re-evaluate content in its various uses.

About Leigh White

Photo of Leigh White

Leigh White is a 20+ year technical communications veteran advocating that effective technical communicators need to be more than writers; they need to be part programmer, part designer, and part project manager. Leigh speaks on Extensible Markup Language (XML) and the Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) at conferences including the Society for Technical Communication Summit, Intelligent Content, WritersUA, and LavaCon.




Twitter: @leighww
